Course overview

Christmas is a time for giving: but is it really a good idea? Wouldn’t it be better if you just bought something for yourself that would bring you joy, and didn’t have to worry about getting presents for other people, which they might just regift anyway? Why do economists act like Grinches? How can we save Christmas from the Bah!Humbug! Brigade?

Course description

Economists tend to see everything as a set of agreements and transactions which both parties think will make them better off. So Christmas gift-giving is no exception. If the gift is something you wanted, why hadn’t you already bought it yourself? So it follows that most gifts are unwanted, or worth less to the recipient than the amount the giver paid for them. It would be better to gift cash instead, and let the recipient choose something they really wanted. (They do this in Hong Kong at Chinese New Year). So why do we persist in giving gifts? What makes a gift worth giving – and worth receiving? Can we rescue Christmas from the curmudgeonly economists?

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We don't want anything to stand in your way when it comes to bringing Adult learning within reach so if you need anything to support you to achieve your goals then speak to one of our education experts during your enrolment journey. Most of our courses are government funded but if you don't qualify or need.

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