Working with partners across Scotland to help people find work
Employability is a huge focus of our offer here in Scotland. It covers everything from building confidence and motivation all the way through to writing CVs and cover letters, interviews and of course, the first days at work. Our staff and tutors take a holistic attitude to employability, which is a strengths-based focused approach ensuring that we are helping the learners become the best that they can be and not just funnelling them into short-term jobs.
Our employability courses are centred on educational attainment, and we work in partnership with several different providers all over Scotland. We pride ourselves on our community relationships and work collaboratively with our partners to help learners move through their journey into their chosen career or course.
Our holistic attitude to employability means we are person-centred and reach across all boundaries of provision. The WEA has an inclusive and ethical approach to adult education, and we offer a range of qualifications and courses across Scotland that lead to both accreditation and self-improvement.
Some of the courses we offer are:
SQA Employability Skills; SQA Communications; SQA ICT; SQA Numeracy; SQA Working with Others; Health and Social Care; Customer Service; Introduction to Working as Pupil Support Staff
We can also offer short courses in interview skills, application forms, and writing cover letters.
Learn more about the WEA Scotland employability offer
What do our learners say?
“The WEA tutor managed to source me a tablet which has helped me no end! It has bucked me up, and lifted my spirits. Helped me while away long hours. I now have access to a tablet to look for work whereas before I had no way at all of looking. I have now applied for a job which I would not even have known about.”
“I would definitely say working with the WEA has made a really positive impact on my life as she was able to provide me with support and help that I couldn't really get through the job centre which took a lot of stress and worry off of me. She was always there to help with whatever I needed, be it with an application or answering random questions I was always sure I could just ask.”
“I needed additional support with figuring out my possible job options/ how to re-enter the education system. It took a huge amount of pressure and stress off of me being able to talk to someone who knew how to navigate the complicated job and education system, and who was able to provide insight into the most practical path for me. It has taken pressure off my parents knowing that I’m happy, and confident with the direction I’m going in. I personally found it very helpful, and definitely wouldn’t be where I am right now without the help and support, I received from my WEA contact. I would highly recommend working with the WEA.”
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